getüno = "get to know"

getüno apparel makes your approachability apparent; conveying your openness to casual convos

Approachability without Ambiguity

getüno is more than apparel—it’s an invitation. Spot someone in getüno? Strike up a convo! Every 'hello' is welcomed and encouraged.

Foster Friendship in your Fave Places

Share more than just space with your fellow patrons, hobbyists, and neighbors. Wear getüno to erase the social barriers of your day-to-day.

Enhance Encounters with Accessories

Turn every accessory into a conversation starter. Wear getüno and effortlessly invite interactions with like-minded folks.

  • Platonic Connection

    getüno isn't about dating, we are friendship first. What happens after friendship is up to you.

  • Camaraderie

    Convos are meant to be fun! We encourage playful banter and light-hearted interactions.

  • Consent

    getüno promotes respectful and brief exchanges, honoring personal boundaries and ensuring comfort for everyone.

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